Kids Fashion

5 Best Breathable Fabrics to Wear in Hot and Humid Weather

When the weather starts to heat up, staying cool is always important. Being comfortable under the rays of the sun makes outdoor activities so much more enjoyable, for all ages, from babies on up. Just like we bundle up for winter, stripping down for summer is the right idea.


The hot and humid weather can be downright brutal, especially in the height of summer when even the evenings are steamy and stuffy. Most people would take this style of weather over a massive snowstorm any day, but when the summer rolls around, we do tend to long for the thrill of a chill! The grass is always greener…


One way to stay cool and comfy when the mercury rises is by wearing breathable summer fabrics. What you wear does make a difference, as your body temperature can be better regulated depending upon how you dress. You will really notice the difference, making those high-temp days doable. 


These five recommended breathable fabrics below will keep you feeling far cooler when the sun just won’t quit. Dress yourself and your cute kiddos in these fabrics so you don’t soak your clothing with stinky sweat. Not only will you look great, but you will feel fabulous. The perfect combo!




You can find cotton clothing just about everywhere, and it is so comfy no matter when you wear it. It is super soft, breathable, and casual. 


From everyday T-shirts to sports socks, cotton is an all-around excellent option for those hot and humid summer days. It is easy to wash, inexpensive, and universally versatile. You surely have plenty of cotton clothing at home already, particularly when it comes to your little one’s clothing. 


Keep in mind, cotton will absorb moisture, but thanks to its lightweight quality, you will probably wind up perspiring less. Kick back in cotton!




Linen is especially stylish for summer, thanks to its light and airy design. Loose-fitting and forever fashionable, you will see lots of linen options for the season. Picture yourself on a sailing yacht sipping a fruity drink in your sunglasses as a light breeze blows by. Only the screaming kids in the next room will snap you out of this delightful daydream! Oh well…


Similar to cotton, linen will absorb your sweat, but you will stay far cooler in linen than when wearing other less breathable materials. Check out some linen options while they are in stores and season-appropriate. 




You may not have heard of chambray before, but come summertime, you will be glad to know about it now. Chambray is a natural fine fabric made from cotton or linen. Consider it a great alternative to either of the two.


The manner in which chambray is weaved is what makes it so delightfully breathable. It is super light and comfortable to wear, making it a clear go-to when the weatherman warns you that it is going to be a doozy of a day. Chambray all the way!




Nylon is a great fabric for those hot and humid summer months thanks to its remarkable moisture-wicking properties. You will notice that many of your exercise ensembles contain nylon in the blend, from sports bras to bike shorts. 


While you probably won’t wear nylon for an evening out, it is great for casual days, outdoor activities, working out, and so forth. Many bathing suits are made with nylon, you will notice, since it dries so quickly. 




Like nylon, rayon is quite popular for summer weather because it also dries quickly if you tend to perspire profusely. It is smooth to the touch like nylon, lightweight, and drapes delicately over your body.

Look at the labels when you are shopping and go for rayon when you want your skin to breathe.




Even the biggest fashionista won’t look their best when heat and humidity takes a toll. Stay as chic as you can by selecting breathable fabrics like these five recommended above. Summertime is meant for fun, and when your clothing holds you back, you can’t be free. Dress accordingly and enjoy yourself. Stay cool and stylish.


If you’re looking for baby and toddler clothes in these fabrics, shop or sell on BundleUp!


*Note that many articles of clothing are made with blends of different materials. If you can’t stick to a solo fabric, check out the percentage of the materials on the label and go for items made from a majority of one of the fabrics mentioned above. Happy shopping for summer…and don’t sweat it!

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