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Top 10 Tricks for a Fun Summer Vacation When Traveling With A Toddler

Summer vacation is almost here! However, travelling with a baby can be quite tedious. The extra baggage, the meltdowns and the expense can almost be enough to make you cancel your trip! We are here to tell you that this scenario doesn’t need to occur! 


Surprisingly, there are some easy ways to guarantee an enjoyable and anxiety free trip with the tots in tow. Here are ten easy steps to help you achieve this magical outcome!


#1 – Change Your Expectations


Vacationing will never be the same with a baby in attendance. Plans will change, activities will not be the same and the travel to your destination may make you feel like a zookeeper. Let go of your prior expectations and accept that it will be different, but in a new and better way!


Never postpone a trip because of your kids. Just remember to tailor it to your family and your new normal. Most importantly, don’t sweat the small stuff!


#2 – Give Them Something to Look Forward To!


Many times a new environment can cause anxiety. Children function best on a schedule. Knowing what they can expect makes everything easier. Therefore, as you begin to approach the week of your trip, let them know what they will be doing!


This includes detailing how you will be traveling, what activities they will get to enjoy, the yummy food that they can eat and even the potential souvenirs they will be taking home! Get them excited about this big adventure and give them something to anticipate!


#3 – Be Proactive


Patience is a virtue. Unfortunately, most toddlers have not learned this life lesson quite yet. Save yourself some grief. Buy tickets for the activities you have planned in advance. Check into your flight before you get to the airport. Give the hotel a heads up that you are about to arrive. 


These small steps can help you to avoid the lines and wait times that lead to meltdowns. Moreover, if you have the option to stay at an all-inclusive resort or go on a cruise, this can guarantee minimal travel, give you easy access to entertainment and food, and it even controls your price! 


Finally, don’t forget to ask for discounts! Many places allow kids to get in free or for a reduced price. Nothing is more relaxing than not saving money on your trip!


#4 – Find Accommodations That Meet Your Needs


While a five star resort sounds fabulous, it is not always the ideal arrangement with kids. Finding a place to stay with separate bedrooms for nap time and a kitchen for easy meal prep can make your time away a little more relaxing.


Remember that when planning excursions, if you need to travel by car, a car seat is necessary. You can remove this hurdle by researching hotels or airbnbs that are near public transit or by choosing activities that are walking distance. 


#5 – Don’t Overpack


It can seem hard to not bring everything that you may potentially need, but overpacking will make your travel more tedious. Prioritize essential items and plan to purchase things that may be needed, if the occasion arises


Also take the time to call the place you are staying and see if there is the option to rent items or if they come with your stay! Many establishments have cribs, strollers and other necessary baby gear available to guests. 


Looking for a bathing suit or perfect summer themed kids clothes but don’t have time to shop the stores before your vacation? Check out BundleUp for mom-approved bundles in the style, category, size and season you’re looking for! It’s a quick way to get and save a bundle of the clothing you need while also saving time. Win-Win!


#6 – Anticipate Issues


Problems will arise. Think ahead! If traveling during mealtimes, pack snacks. If there are not going to be a lot of places to stop, bring puppy pads so you have a makeshift changing station while on the side of the road. If motion sickness is a potential issue, bring a receptacle just in case. 


Another important thing to consider is if there will be an altitude change. This can occur while flying or while driving through the mountains. Babies and toddlers don’t have the option of gum to help clear their ear canals so make sure to have a bottle or beverage handy. If traveling by air, plan feedings for right after your take off and landing. If traveling by vehicle, take frequent breaks and make sure they are drinking along the way.


#7 – Leave With Time To Spare


Babies and toddler function on their own schedules. When heading out on a trip, try not to travel too early or too late. Sleepiness slows everything down. Moreover, when heading to the airport, leave earlier than you normally would. If you are driving, plan for extra stops. This should not be a race. 


#8 – Bring Plenty of Distractions 


Food, games, toys and devices to watch their programs on can all help to ease the “Are we there yet?” feeling. If you and your spouse are taking the trip with your little one by car, sit in the back seat. Swap distractions out often and pay attention to their cues. This can help you to troubleshoot before you get to a point of no return. 


#9 – Keep To Your Schedule, If Possible


This is extremely important. Plan activities throughout your trip around your kid’s normal nap times and meal times. Furthermore, keep in mind that while it is likely more fun than a normal day at home, most kids will expel more energy while on vacation. Whether out in the sun at the beach or running around an amusement park, be prepared for them to need a little extra TLC after a few hours of excitement. 


#10 – Engage Your Inner Child


What is better than seeing amazement in your child’s eyes? You are making that happen! Try and enjoy each moment and realize that some of the best things in life are free. If you want to ensure a spectacular vacation with young kids, then take your time and live in the moment. 

Jump in some puddles! Take in the scenery. Look for joy in little things. Finally, remember to appreciate the journey and the destination!

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